Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL)

If you’re a business owner you need to read this. ITIL is the future of your business.

ITIL is a system of policies and procedures to help a business grow with technology.  It’s also a management system that provides IT Administration with the necessary information and tools.

Think of it this way, a customer goes into a dealership and purchases a car. The dealership offers a manufacturer’s warranty but this only covers your new car for things that might break while under the warranty.  This warranty doesn’t cover maintenance and performance costs.  Normal wear and tear needs to be addressed to ensure your car’s peak performance.  If you never get the oil changed or replace the tires you risk emergency repairs. However,  if you bring your car in regularly and have the tires checked and the oil changed you usually keep on driving. However, sometimes the mechanic sees something else while performing regular maintenance that needs immediate attention.  Perhaps your brakes are worn and need replacement. His keen eye has saved you from discovering this yourself at an inconvenient moment.  You can now schedule an appointment to fix the problem. 

The same can be said of your organization’s network. The manufacturer’s warranty only protects you when something goes wrong.  Take for instance a workstation that is shutting down unexpectedly while you are using it. If it’s under warranty you will need to contact the manufacturer and have it fixed or replaced.  This will cost you and your business time. Now take that same workstation and add ITIL to the management system.  The workstation reports issues with monitoring software and is on a regular maintenance program. Thus, problems can be resolved before they become an issue for the organization.  ITIL takes a proactive approach to technical problems helping to prevent issues. Creating logs and documentation about problems and care for the network’s health.

ITIL administrators have ticking systems, software, and monitoring systems to ensure peak performance.  Networks also need prompt attention to resolve problems before they cause issues. 

ITIL is more than just a monitoring system.  It’s a culture that supports your business.  It’s a proactive approach to technical proficiency. This system of reporting,  documentation,  and action keeps business growing. 


ITIL administration strategy offsets the organizations’ assets. This can be intellectual property, physical property, and people.  Consequently, ITIL protects a company from within the organization. End-user’s education and financial balance will help businesses grow with technology they can trust.

If you would like to know more about ITIL and how it can help your business grow please feel free to contact us. 

Technology you can trust. 

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