Terror at the Baltimore Bridge!!

Watching the news this morning on my Roku channel 7 news app.  I usually watch just to see the weather while I drink my coffee. However,  this morning’s news was shocking and heartbreaking.  A cargo ship let to drift hit the Baltimore Maryland Bridge.  The bridge collapsed into the water and construction workers were thrust

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What is an MSP?

The landscape of technology is changing.  Businesses are increasingly becoming dependent on the industry.  In the past, if a company was experiencing issues with its technology they’d call a technician.  The tech would schedule an appointment and show up the next day or week. Businesses would have to wait until the tech fixed the issue.

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Facebook Down!!!!

I received a message from a client the other day about Facebook.  She was locked 🔒  out of her business Facebook account.  Although MFA was active she was stuck in a loop when asked to log back into her account.  The verification code wasn’t working or sometimes would not be sent to her cell phone.

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IT Calling Home

Many of you might know that the internet carries data, voice, and video. However, did you know that one service can replace your current phone lines? Do you still use the old slow analog phone at your office? You are probably paying through the nose for that service, aren’t you? All the taxes and service

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What do you think Cybersecurity means to you? Well, let’s take a look at Cyber-security. You probably know what security means but how about cyber? What is cyber? Here’s the definition of Cyber below. “Cyber is an adjective or prefix that means relating to or characteristic of information technology, virtual reality, and computers. For example,

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Why do you need Security?

It’s a common question I ask my clients. However, the answer is usually ” I have antivirus I’m good”. In most cases, it’s a free antivirus from their Internet service provider (ISP). Others will tell me the IPS told them that they have security through the router because it has a firewall. This is a

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IPhone scam Alert

Apple will release the new iPhone 15 in stores on September 22, but scammers have devised already cunning schemes to separate unsuspecting victims from their hard-earned money. The iPhone 15 scam has 11 variations, including testers, preorders, upgrades, iCloud lock, sweepstakes, and great deals. Let’s start with the most prevalent of all Apple scams. Read

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