Terror at the Baltimore Bridge!!

Watching the news this morning on my Roku channel 7 news app.  I usually watch just to see the weather while I drink my coffee. However,  this morning’s news was shocking and heartbreaking.  A cargo ship let to drift hit the Baltimore Maryland Bridge.  The bridge collapsed into the water and construction workers were thrust

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Is your TV spying on you?

We are entering the age of technology that has never been seen before. The rise of AI and quadam computers might solve mankind’s problems. However, we humans will make new problems for AI to solve because that’s what we are good at. What will the future bring us? Will these advancements bring us a better

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Holiday Season 2023

If you are like me you can do without all the holiday stuff in your email inbox. Unfortunately, it’s a merchant marketing dream to fill your email boxes like stockings on the fireplace mantle. The holiday season also brings out the worst in people. Those who want to steal your money. Easy money is a

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Memorial Day 2023

Remember those who fought for your freedom today. Heck, remember them every !!! We take for granted our freedom and often think it’s our right. Many have died for what you have now. Just take a look overseas at Ukraine and how easy their freedom was taken away from them. All it takes is one

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What do you think of when someone says they are an entrepreneur? Well, I can answer that for you. However, my answer is probably different than yours. The first time I heard the expression, I was a little confused. I thought entrepreneurs went around setting up businesses and would want something in return. A little

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